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  • Writer's pictureAnonymous (Name to protect Individuals)

Individual 5

My time at canoe & paddle has been an experience that I won’t soon forget. My first encounter at my new job wasn’t like previous experiences. There was no formal training (aside from a co worker who was amazing at making sure I knew at least some of my responsibilities as an employee) so needless to say I felt a little thrown to the wolves. I was assured I would do fine as I have served before so I continued on. The first few weeks showed me a side of the establishment that I wasn’t aware of being a customer. The narrative between Jake and his parents was appalling. I was quickly made uncomfortable by the way he spoke and swore at them. I actually used to feel sorry for them until I witnessed the exact same behaviour come from his mother and father, letting me know the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Being apart of the group chat showcased a small bit of how employees are spoken to during fits of unregulated self control by Jake, and is a testament to the normal behaviour that employees were expected to work around. I myself have experienced forms of uncomfortable statements made by Jake, commenting on my body in a sexual way, often in front of customers, infront of co-workers and witnessing him doing the same to other coworkers and customers also. Propositions were made over my time there insinuating sexual relations both involving myself, as well as witnessing the same behaviour of other staff.

These forms of harassment have been normalized in not only canoe and paddle, but in many other establishments within various industries and it is imperative that they are stopped. Hiring a third party that is being paid by the Exton’s is a piss poor excuse for “supporting” victims, and in my opinion only validates the disgusting behaviour that has been showcased publicly as of recent. I sincerely hope that this is taken as seriously as possible by the family and the public in hopes that they can be accountable and take swift action in correcting the disturbing behaviour themselves and their son has demonstrated in the time they have employed young women.

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